Spheroid Universe Academy is an information site dedicated to Spheroid Universe, the first decentralized augmented reality social network built on the Ethereum Blockchain, which allows you to receive revenue from advertising included in your spaces - Check out our guides, learn about the platform's ecosystem, be one of the frontrunners in creating the most disruptive metaverse and become the best landowner in the universe.
"This partnership is great news for Decentr, our community and the future of the decentralized internet as we move towards becoming the world’s first (and only) decentralized metaverse browser, or ‘metabrowser’. Decentr is working with Spheroid Universe and other organizations to set the open-source Standards & Protocols (S&Ps) that will be essential for the creation of a decentralized metaverse in the same way our browser and custom chain is standardizing Web3."...
We are happy to release the Alpha version of Spheroid.Earth for iOS devices. Spheroid.Earth is a community-based Earth mapping project. Spheroid Universe develops computer vision and AI technology to recreate real-world locations as point-cloud data processed from 2D images...
In order to develop and expand the use of SPH on the platform, Spaces of all types (Orange, Green, Blue) can now be purchased with SPH only. Space purchases with all other currencies and tokens except SPH have been stopped...
#spheroidscript is a cross-platform programming language. Why do you need to try it: speed up and reduce the cost of developing XR apps, easy to learn and use, provide the ability to run applications written in it on different platforms: Android, iOS.
Spheroid Universe has joined the Khronos Group, an industry consortium that develops open programming interface (API) standards for creating and rendering dynamic graphics, including standards such as glTF, OpenGL, WebGL and OpenXR...
It can run other applications within itself. These applications may be created by independent developers. Apps that run within the XR Hub can function independently or expand the functions and capabilities of the XR Hub itself, offering its users their own services and products.
2021 All Rights Reserved. Site created by the community of Spheroid Universe